Monday, May 12, 2008

The Day After... and Berlin

Ok, as i mentioned i had quite a bit to drink the night before (but obviously not as much as the MOH) Needtheless to say i didn't exactly have a good night's rest. In addition to the time difference causing me to automatically wake up at 730 in the morning i was royally screwed. I did manage to get back to sleep until 830 when Ben knocled on the door to check on the MOH (who was semićonscious at this stage and really feeling the affects of the drinking, she didn't remember the events of last night) except she was feeling absolutely crap. I staggered up and stumbled back to my room to brush my teeth finish packing and then going down for breakfast (i was feeling ok, except for a slight empty 'weird' feeling in my stomach - i figured i shouldn't shock my system so settled for simple toast and marmite. )
Ran back up from breakfast and finished packing and Yan, kindly offered to drive Ben and me to the station but after 'losing' my wallet and checking out we had missed to the 1013 train (they only come every hour) then the 1113 train was 30 minutes late getting into Waterloo - i was supposed to catch the 405 plane to Berlin from Terminal 5, only JUST missed the check-in time but since the flight was closed i was forced to get the next flight which cost and extra 105 pounds (ouch!) - now i knew i was cutting it fine with the 1113 but i seriously had no choice and the train was bloody late!!!! arghhh, the stress of rushing to try not to miss the flight and the after effects of the alcohol had me shaking in hunger (or whatever u want to call it) by the time i was booked on the next flight so next thing on my to do was to feed my queasy stomach. I found a bar-restaurant and indulged in a 8oz rib eye steak with chips. feeling a little bit better but my stomach was still feeling queasy... got on the plane and then found out i had an 'emergency exit' seat (and the BA guy didn't even warn me, to top it off the button on the seat was broken so it wouldn't tilt back, turns out none of the seats at the exit could tilt - it's like torture, thank god the flight wasn't that long but seriously i was not feeling good by the end of the flight. the only thing i can say is that the german airport was verrry efficient in getting us through. i was surprised that the immigration/custom guys are actually stationed outside the gate that u arrive at so as soon as u get off the plane u are at customs before u pick up ur baggage, really cool .

decided to take a taxi to the hostel (only cost 20 euro!) and was surprised at how cool the hostel was. i'd definitely recommend it to people coming to Berlin, it's the Meininger on Shoenhauser Allee, the rooms are clean, bathrooms are decent and breakfast is nice - walls are a bit thin but thats ok). As my first experience in an hostel i'm very happy. The rooms are a little stuffy but can't expect everything to be perfect.

1 comment:

Bev said...

Shit man.. after all the time you see me and Ben hung over like crap you'd learn.
That empty feeling in your gut can only be solved by 2 things.
1/ Hot black pu erh (i hear cancer can also be cured this way)
2/ HUGE greasy meal..... i know it doesn't seem that way.. and the mere thought of it turns you stomach but the thing is... as soon as it's in front of you you'll tear it apart.
Steak *unfortunately* doesn't count in this area... and i generally don't se it as a good option.. the chips were a good call tho... but need more oil... bacon and eggs would've had you fixed esp if you wash it down with tea... or maybe coffee if you're stomach's strong enough.

Enjoy Binky :) hope you're taking care of yourself :)