Monday, May 19, 2008

Back to Hong Kong

Going to skip the details of my UK/Europe tour until i get my own internet connection and can type about it in detail.

Today i went to pick up my visa from the office and then had to make a trip over to macau and then back into HK. The trip takes about an hr each way and the ticket guy was shocked that i was buying a 11:45am ticket to macau and wanted a 1:30pm ticket back (he convinced me to get the 2:00pm ticket in the end) - in any case i caught the 1:45pm TurboJet back. Not bad and i got to sleep on the way there and back.

After that it was a bit of home shopping, got myself some chopsticks (there's chopsticks in the apartment but not the ones i'm used to and it feels weird using someone elses stuff eventhough ithey're kind of mine now), an ironing board (all i need is to get an iron...)

couple of bathroom related stuff for washing clothes etc.

But there are a couple of other things that i figured i need to get. A new frying pan - the frying pan in this apartment is about the size of a bread plate (it's even smaller than the 'small' frying pan i had at home!) i may also think about getting a new saucepan as well coz the one here is 'smallish' though it does fit a packet of instant noodles quite nicely so it's not crucial but still...

hehe may just leave all the kitchen stuff to mum when she gets here - i also need a washing machine/dryer... at the moment i'm washing stuff by hand after my shower hehe

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