Monday, July 21, 2008

Quickie Post

Weell just a short post on my favourite subject... food!

And because i'm in serious Aussie beef withdrawal...

Well i should mention something other than food. So how about work... arghh it was such a long day today but not stressful or anything. Just ultra busy (so that time flew by pretty quick) but seriously had so many issues i haven't had a chance to look at all the issues that have been assigned to me *groan*

The weather is getting hotter here, i think it's going to get really bad in August *sigh* - if only they'll send me back to Sydney for training for a month (that'll be cool, avoid the heat for a while). Though it's not the heat that gets to me it's the damn humidity - waking up in the middle of the night all hot and sweaty is so annoying!

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