Wednesday, July 23, 2008


I have just returned from a 50min foot/leg massage session and the only word that describes it was ow.... In the last couple of years of going to get massages i have not yet had a massuese (is that how u spell it?) how can make me cringe with pain but man, tonight the guy who massaged me made me twitch...

ok so i have massive calves... (it has to be genetic - as bev's friends have noticed...) but geez the guy was like "i haven't seen calves like that on a healthy person - it only takes one or two presses before his customers scream out in pain" - I am kinda proud i held out for a long time but i think he was deliberately massaging me harder to see how long it'll take before i gave up...

It was seriously the most painful massage session i have gone through, but afterwards i have to say i'm not hurting... maybe i'll take up his offer of being my massuese when i decide to go for a back massage hehehe - glutton for punishment...

the only good thing that came out of it was he hit all my accupuncture points on my feet and proclaimed me quite healthy (internal organ wise) - for those who don't know the feet have pressure points which are linked to all your internal organs so that the guys can actually tell if you're having problems sleeping, got a bad liver, get headaches, can't sleep - it's quite interesting.

And compared to Australia, this place is pretty cheap and clean as well - trying to relax during a massage in the middle of Westfields just doesn't cut it. Of course, it doesn't beat Dragonfly ... ahhh i could do with one of their 2hr massages...

We'll have to see if my legs are all bruised tomorrow morning...

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