Monday, June 16, 2008

You know it's going to be one of those days when...

you wake up and think "what time is it", check the time on my mobile phone and it reads 8:54!!! Shit (i'm supposed to be at work around 9), jump out of bed, brush my teeth, quickly check my computer for emails or messages and then see the clock on the computer which reads 7:00...

Ok so my mobile phone time actually said 6:54 not 8:54... great start to the morning and now my head's spinning from all the rushing around - back to bed for another 40mins (that's the good thing about HK, you know how long it'll take for you to get to work)

Head to work and you know it's going to be one of the stinking humid days (we've had rain on and off for the last week) but it's still humid.

One of my colleagues was taking a day off in lieu (he had to work the public holiday) so it was only me and my other colleague and as soon as i sat down and checked my email i knew it was going to be one of those busy days... now i'm not worried about it being busy but what's really frustrating is, it's busy and i have no idea what i'm doing and i can't ask my colleague coz he's obviously swamped as well.. It's sooooo frustrating - i hate being so unproductive... Another irritating thing about support is when people ask you for help you provide it instantly and they don't get back to you for days and out of the blue it's "i still have the problem can you fix it urgently!"

Um hello!!! I offered my services days ago, not my fault you sat on it and have only just remembered now that you need it... that really puts me in a bad mood (you could at least have the decency to say, "oh just had the chance to try xxx and it still doesn't work. Can you please have a look again. i need it by xxx"

a little courtesy goes a long way (i feel bad about being rude, especially since i don't know the stuff but seriously!). at least not all of them are like that.

Keeps life interesting i guess, i actually finished work kinda late today (i think it was around 7:20pm) the thing is i wasn't actually that busy by the end, just sitting around waiting for people to get back to me...

What did i do after work? Headed home to have dinner ( i have an annoying ache between my eyes at the moment...)

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