Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Well it's been over a week since my last update. Not much has happened except work and a little bit of going out (and eating) but let's have a recap.

There were about 2/3 days where i nearly fell asleep at my desk at work because nothing was happening. Luckily that improved as the week went by and i had more work to do (but by more i mean only a little bit more than nothing).

The weekend was, like Australia, a LONG weekend (not bad for my 3rd week at work). Saturday was rainy though, thunderstorms and parts of Hong Kong Island flooding - i slept through it all (but by sleeping in I meant waking up at 10:30am). The thunderstorms sound weird here, it's not the crisp crack that you hear in Sydney - it's more like rumbling and there isn't a crack more like you're in a cave and hearing the thunderstorms from the back of the cave. Anyway since it was raining pretty bad mum and i decided to go and watch Prince Caspian down at Tai Koo Shing.

Not a bad movie but the seats aren't as comfy as in Sydney and it was kinda cold in there as well - not to mention at the end of the movie we have to leave via the 'fire exit' which basically takes you out to the street, not very good when it's just starting to rain as well. Afterwards we headed to Wan Chai's computer centre so i could get some speakers for my nice new desktop (a Dell XPS420) then it was back home for dinner.

Sunday - went out to Kowloon Shing for a bit of shopping, got a couple of outfits (yes!!!) and took mum to this place that is 'famous' for beef pan-fried dumpling (it's a islam restaurant - yeah go figure, an islam restaurant in HK) but it's really good. After Kowloon Shing we headed back and i went for a nice 50min foot massage (though the woman said i need a much longer massage to lossen my 'tight' muscles - oh well, will have to go back and do 1.5hr massage next time)

Monday - Make-up Tseun Ng Festival holiday. Went out for a wander around Central, Lan Kwai Fong, mid-levels an then down to the iFC Mall before heading into Sui Sai Wan to the Lee's where we then went to Yuen Long for dinner - that was a massive feast! fish, abalone, oyster, prawns, mantis prawns, goose, razor shells, cockles and a nice bottle of red wine (2004 Wyndham Estate, merlot). After we were sufficiently stuffed, Dorothy took us for dessert (yummy!!) i had my usual yan zhi kam lao (grapefruit, manga, saigo)
The others got similar desserts,

BTW - i've been collecting menus and cards so if any of you visit, i know where to go!

1 comment:

Ben said...

gawd you must be turning into a pumba with all the food