Friday, June 13, 2008

Where am I?

It's so strange, it doesn't really feel like i'm actually "working in HK" - i don't know why. Maybe it's just because i'm not living at home anymore or that the nights are just so relaxed here? But you know i need to get a serious massage, i'm so stiff everywhere (worse than before i started yoga in Sydney...)

I'm finally a bit more productive at work (didn't feel like falling asleep in the office over the last few days)

You see the strangest people in HK, i'm sure people do it in Sydney but you're so rarely crammed into public transport (except for peak hour) that you don't notice, anyway I was on a tram from Quarry Bay to Sheung Wan and a woman got on at North Point, she sat down and pulled out a mini mirror (about 5x4cm) and just looked at herself... ok a quick look to make sure your face is in order is reasonable but she looked at herself, turned the mirror to the side and looked at herself, then turned the mirror and looked again... all the way to happy valley (that's a good 15-20 min tram ride)... she wasn't extremely pretty but ok looking i guess but seriously... who does that??

You know, the people are quite civilised on the MTR - it's amazing. In Sydney, expect to be pushed and shoved in a crammed train but here they all just quietly pack themselves into the carriage and no one gives you dirty looks if you actually elbow them or hit them with your bag or whatever. It's quite an experience to see how they all find the best way to pack themselves in and the trains arrive every 4 mins (1min during peak hour) it's great!

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