Monday, June 23, 2008

Where the memories have gone...

There was a lot i wanted to write (when i was vegetating this morning at work, it was freezing in the office and I wanted to sleep for about 2hours) but now i can't remember what i wanted to write - bloody typical.

Today was my first typhoon warning day (only a no. 1) and it pretty much bypassed HK anyway - the only sign of it was the dark clouds of pollution that hit the sky - i really have to buy a compact camera so i can take random shots like Bevan said.

Also my next purchase is going to be a LCD TV (26" Samsung)... gotta get my spending out the way and start saving!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Another week gone...

I don't know what's wrong with me. I woke up this morning and couldn't remember what day of the week it was, had to check the calendar on the computer to confirm that it was indeed Thursday - surely you're only supposed to do that when you've had a prolonged holiday not when you're working day after day after day..

Maybe because the days at work are still full of confusion and me being clueless about everything??
Oh well tomorrow is Friday so that's good, casual dress at last!! (but work is kinda casual anyway)

Bev says i should post some pictures but that means i need to go buy a decent (& smallish) camera - oh well i'll start having a look, maybe i'll find a nice one.

Monday, June 16, 2008

You know it's going to be one of those days when...

you wake up and think "what time is it", check the time on my mobile phone and it reads 8:54!!! Shit (i'm supposed to be at work around 9), jump out of bed, brush my teeth, quickly check my computer for emails or messages and then see the clock on the computer which reads 7:00...

Ok so my mobile phone time actually said 6:54 not 8:54... great start to the morning and now my head's spinning from all the rushing around - back to bed for another 40mins (that's the good thing about HK, you know how long it'll take for you to get to work)

Head to work and you know it's going to be one of the stinking humid days (we've had rain on and off for the last week) but it's still humid.

One of my colleagues was taking a day off in lieu (he had to work the public holiday) so it was only me and my other colleague and as soon as i sat down and checked my email i knew it was going to be one of those busy days... now i'm not worried about it being busy but what's really frustrating is, it's busy and i have no idea what i'm doing and i can't ask my colleague coz he's obviously swamped as well.. It's sooooo frustrating - i hate being so unproductive... Another irritating thing about support is when people ask you for help you provide it instantly and they don't get back to you for days and out of the blue it's "i still have the problem can you fix it urgently!"

Um hello!!! I offered my services days ago, not my fault you sat on it and have only just remembered now that you need it... that really puts me in a bad mood (you could at least have the decency to say, "oh just had the chance to try xxx and it still doesn't work. Can you please have a look again. i need it by xxx"

a little courtesy goes a long way (i feel bad about being rude, especially since i don't know the stuff but seriously!). at least not all of them are like that.

Keeps life interesting i guess, i actually finished work kinda late today (i think it was around 7:20pm) the thing is i wasn't actually that busy by the end, just sitting around waiting for people to get back to me...

What did i do after work? Headed home to have dinner ( i have an annoying ache between my eyes at the moment...)

Friday, June 13, 2008

Where am I?

It's so strange, it doesn't really feel like i'm actually "working in HK" - i don't know why. Maybe it's just because i'm not living at home anymore or that the nights are just so relaxed here? But you know i need to get a serious massage, i'm so stiff everywhere (worse than before i started yoga in Sydney...)

I'm finally a bit more productive at work (didn't feel like falling asleep in the office over the last few days)

You see the strangest people in HK, i'm sure people do it in Sydney but you're so rarely crammed into public transport (except for peak hour) that you don't notice, anyway I was on a tram from Quarry Bay to Sheung Wan and a woman got on at North Point, she sat down and pulled out a mini mirror (about 5x4cm) and just looked at herself... ok a quick look to make sure your face is in order is reasonable but she looked at herself, turned the mirror to the side and looked at herself, then turned the mirror and looked again... all the way to happy valley (that's a good 15-20 min tram ride)... she wasn't extremely pretty but ok looking i guess but seriously... who does that??

You know, the people are quite civilised on the MTR - it's amazing. In Sydney, expect to be pushed and shoved in a crammed train but here they all just quietly pack themselves into the carriage and no one gives you dirty looks if you actually elbow them or hit them with your bag or whatever. It's quite an experience to see how they all find the best way to pack themselves in and the trains arrive every 4 mins (1min during peak hour) it's great!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Well it's been over a week since my last update. Not much has happened except work and a little bit of going out (and eating) but let's have a recap.

There were about 2/3 days where i nearly fell asleep at my desk at work because nothing was happening. Luckily that improved as the week went by and i had more work to do (but by more i mean only a little bit more than nothing).

The weekend was, like Australia, a LONG weekend (not bad for my 3rd week at work). Saturday was rainy though, thunderstorms and parts of Hong Kong Island flooding - i slept through it all (but by sleeping in I meant waking up at 10:30am). The thunderstorms sound weird here, it's not the crisp crack that you hear in Sydney - it's more like rumbling and there isn't a crack more like you're in a cave and hearing the thunderstorms from the back of the cave. Anyway since it was raining pretty bad mum and i decided to go and watch Prince Caspian down at Tai Koo Shing.

Not a bad movie but the seats aren't as comfy as in Sydney and it was kinda cold in there as well - not to mention at the end of the movie we have to leave via the 'fire exit' which basically takes you out to the street, not very good when it's just starting to rain as well. Afterwards we headed to Wan Chai's computer centre so i could get some speakers for my nice new desktop (a Dell XPS420) then it was back home for dinner.

Sunday - went out to Kowloon Shing for a bit of shopping, got a couple of outfits (yes!!!) and took mum to this place that is 'famous' for beef pan-fried dumpling (it's a islam restaurant - yeah go figure, an islam restaurant in HK) but it's really good. After Kowloon Shing we headed back and i went for a nice 50min foot massage (though the woman said i need a much longer massage to lossen my 'tight' muscles - oh well, will have to go back and do 1.5hr massage next time)

Monday - Make-up Tseun Ng Festival holiday. Went out for a wander around Central, Lan Kwai Fong, mid-levels an then down to the iFC Mall before heading into Sui Sai Wan to the Lee's where we then went to Yuen Long for dinner - that was a massive feast! fish, abalone, oyster, prawns, mantis prawns, goose, razor shells, cockles and a nice bottle of red wine (2004 Wyndham Estate, merlot). After we were sufficiently stuffed, Dorothy took us for dessert (yummy!!) i had my usual yan zhi kam lao (grapefruit, manga, saigo)
The others got similar desserts,

BTW - i've been collecting menus and cards so if any of you visit, i know where to go!

Monday, June 2, 2008

What to say...

An interesting day at work, i was actually kept pretty busy. Left around 6 and felt a bit bad since the other guys were slaving away... though not my fault someone is assigning all the work to them (someone in Sydney must think i'm still clueless - oh well)

Met up with Yan, Erica and her husband for dinner at Yung Gee (duck, roast pork, tofu, scallop) very nice meal then shopping with Yan and Erica.

Gee not very motivated to write anymore.. got a couple of cable channels so now i'm watching Monk - ahh he's so amusing!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

I'm a netizen again!!!

After a week of silence i am officially a net-user again!!! Woo-hoo, internet connected at home and the speed is awesome - i don't know how we're going to be able to use the internet connection back in Sydney when we get back (at least for Bevan and me at the moment) it only took a little while to download a <200mb file. Absolutely loving it! Catching up on my US shows. All that i need is for my new toy (a brand new gaming desktop with a 24" monitor) to arrive and i'm all sorted.. side note, i ended up ordering a DELL online coz i couldn't be bothered shopping around for the 'best' deal and i've been sooo out of touch on the hardware side. and the dell is good enuf, don't have to worry about delivery and everything...

ok so what have i been up to since i last wrote... mmm work was pretty unexciting for the first week, it has picked up and i'm getting excited now coz the work is pretty challenging (= day goes much faster, and i'm not falling asleep at my desk hehehe)

mum arrived on sunday so she's been running around shopping and cleaning so my apartment feels more homey as well.

nothing much as been happening otherwise, haven't been pigging out too much. still getting used to the weather but the humidity basically means i don't leave the office all day coz it's so muggy outside.

the good thing about HK is the transport esp. the MTR you can actually be pretty accurate about how long it'll take u to get from A to B. There's an MTR every 4-5 mins and since i don't have to change lines or anything it takes me about 25mins to get to work (door to door) pretty good!!

i have to say i do miss Sydney (and my cute little doggies... *sob* *sob* lulu!!! wei!!!)

hope work will send me back to Sydney for training - that would be great! hehehe