Thursday, April 16, 2009

A Post!

Oh my gawd, what is this? Bink is actually putting up a post after near 3 months of bludging.
What has happened in this time? I've been to Sydney and back (spent a wonderful 3 weeks back home) but it was gone so fast. What i learnt is NEVER to go back and work from in the local office while you're back home, it is terribly unproductive I was in such a holiday mood and the day seemed to go so fast as well. I didn't fit in half the things i wanted to do (mostly involving, visiting my favourite restaurants). Nothing beats Sydney food, sure Hong Kong has the variety but it just doesn't have the taste. I even prefer Sydney Chinese food to HK though there are definitely things you can't get back in Sydney so it's always worth coming over to HK for a food-orientated holiday.

Ok so that was pretty much February gone. I should make a mention of the little accident that Ben had in Korea the day before i left for Sydney. Ben-Klutzy went skiing with Bev and concussed a girl and did some serious damage to his butt - resulting in spending 3 weeks in the hospital in Korea instead of skiing and getting drunk. (Sympathy for poor Bev who ended up visiting him in the hospital every day, all the while having to do Winter Intensive classes at his school). Anyway, 3 weeks passed and Ben came back and met mum and me at HK airport where he was going to rest a few days before returning home.

Not much happened that week, considering Ben wasn't very mobile on his crutches, and the fact that he didn't have much of an appetite (shock! gasp! Ben saying he was full after a half bowl of rice and a little bit of food) not to mention he looked anorexic from 3 weeks of hospital food (good way to go on a diet people!). Anywayz, Ben returns home for a few weeks before returning to London with the parentals, during this time Bev has finished up his contract and i decide to head to Korea to go for one last round of eating/shopping while i have a free interpreter/guide as well as lend him my baggage allowance for the return trip. That was a fun but extremely tiring weekend, which started with my catching a midnight plane to Korea (after a day of working on Friday) - trying to sleep on the plane, then the bus on the way out to where Bev was gonig to meet me. We made it back to his apartment before we crashed (plans to visit the local fish market, out the window as sleep beckoned) then it was eating , eating, eating (interlude where Bev floods his apartment with laundry water - at least his floor was VERY clean afterwards)

Crap, it's 1am better go to sleep and write some more tomorrow. Unfortunately i have been extremely bad and haven't made it to work before 9:15am for the last week.... will have to try harder. I just don't know how it happens 8:30 rolls around and i still haven't left the apartment... *sigh*

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