Wednesday, December 10, 2008

A post for the sake of posting

i can't believe it's been a month and a half since i last posted - not much has happened though since then, time appears to have gone pretty quickly. bit of 'excitement' at work though i guess it's not really excitement, more like tense, wary, fear - it was kind of strange. you hear of all the redundancies happening and you don't think it'll strike so close to you then arrive at work last monday morning and find that your team has been affected and people you know are out of a job. I can't say i felt sorry for them and although people were saying that they were sorry you can't help but wonder if they're thinking 'thank god it wasn't me'.

i don't know why but i was kind of indifferent, it seemed unreal to me and i was a bit 'shrug my shoulders, oh well' - I like to plan, i had already decided i'd go on a 1 month holiday to Germany first and then perhaps do a nice country tour of Englad and leech off Benny-boy if i got laid off. I guess it is really bad for people who have a family to feed, mortgages to pay off but if it's not happening to you and you are not in a similar situation it's really hard to relate to it... i hope that doesn't sound too bad of me.. :(

I'm feeling a bit contemplative today so i'm just letting my fingers type whatever comes to my head. Karina, her mum and gran are currently staying with me (though they have gone to Japan for a week at the moment) i was worried the apartment would get crowded but we have managed quite well and we don't get in each other's way, i guess it helps i'm working during the day and they go out and come back late.

hmm, i have a shopping day planned this weekend hopefully i'll do a bit of retail therapy (not that i need therapy but what's the point of earning money and not spending it!)

oh i guess i should write about something a little more interesting. Another food place opened across the street from my apartment! It's a miso ramen place, Karina and I tried it the other day after a nice foot massage session. it was pretty late in the afternoon and unfortunately everything we ordered was already "sold out" - either it was really sold out or they didn't have it in the first place. The staff appeared to be quite disorganised, the waiter told us the gyoza were sold out so we ordered the calamari rings - a little while later the gyoza's turned up!?

i guess there was some miscommunications, maybe our order was the last plate and the waiter misinterpreted it.

Then our side dishes came twice, though being honest we said they'd already arrived. The food was ok - nothing too crash hot but it's convenient i guess. i'll have to go down and take a picture of the food places around my apartment it's great for when i come home late from work and can't be bothered cooking.

bit of a lame post (i'm sure ben/bev will have something to say about this...) but not in the mood to write anymore... maybe after this weekend...

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