Sunday, November 9, 2008

My Sunday Dinner

Mmm, Sunday night dinner.

My all time favourite ingredient has to be chicken wings. So easy to cook and delicious.
Tonight my dinner is quite simple, chicken wings cooked in soya sauce.
Chop the chicken wings (& drumsticks) in half throw it into the wok and through the normal and 'old' soy sauce in with some salt and sugar then toss it until it cooks.
Thicken the soy sauce by dumping in some corn starch and viola!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Marco Polo German Bierfest 2008

Erica invited me to the German Bierfest held at the Marco Polo hotel in Kowloon.
Headed there after work, it was actually held at the other end of a carpark the "viewing platform" as they call it (the view of Hong Kong was quite nice from there, and we were lucky that it was a 'clear' night as well.
The tickets were $99HKD and included a "free" bier (Lowenbrau) and a souvenir beer glass.
You had to pay extra for real food - relatively speaking the prices were that steep either.
there was a german band and plenty of beer everywhere - the amusing thing about drinking in Hong Kong is how red the people get after one beer (granted the beer was a pretty big glass, i think bigger than the average schooner.
As a starter we got some... pretzels!
I liked these ones better than the ones in Germany, at least you don't get a sore jaw by the time you finish eating it.

Once the entertain started, we quickly went to get some food.
I went for the Nuemburger sausages (I *think* that's how you spell it... it was N..m.. something sausage)
The guys went for the pork knuckle (of course)... i didn't go for it because it didn't have serious crackling...

Here's Erica trying to get a headstart on everyone:
though she didn't even finish her FIRST beer.

After pigging out, i went and bought a round of Jeiger bombs for 4 of us (Purdey opted for an alcohol free night). the only dumb thing is they give you a plastic cup with the Jeigermeister.... and what happens when you try to bomb it into the red bull.... the cup floats so you end up shooting the red bull and you're stuck with the Jeiger... lesson learnt, next time just tip the Jeiger in an scull.

Ok it's getting late here so i'll just dump a couple of funny videos up for you to enjoy.
The night ended with some competitions, the guys had to see who could yodel the best... boy it was kinda embarrassingly.
WARNING: This is kinda painful...

The girls had to see who could blow the horn... (coming soon it's too big to upload here)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Verdict

I was too stuffed to be bothered to post the picture of the end result last night (not because it wasn't presentable!)

So here it is:
It wasn't too bad, probably should have left it to bake for about 10 more mins (since my crappy little oven only goes to 250 degrees instead of the 325 that the recipe asked for) I think i like pan fried salmon more but this was healthy enough.

The black sauce is, of course, my white truffle balsamic sauce -not bad. BTW, it's sitting on a bed of rice.

Here's the recipe:

Baked Salmon Fillet
place salmon on foil
spread onion on top
drizzle with lemon juice
bake @ 325 degrees for 25 mins

- i obviously mucked around with the order of it and added salt and pepper..

Think i'l just have bread tonight and the soup i made a couple of days ago...

Tomorrow will be fun, going to the bierfest at the Marco Polo Hotel in Tsim Tsa Tsui!

Monday, November 3, 2008

my first cooking experiment

Why experiment? you say. that's because i've never cooked something like this before. I guess i should briefly add i did a spaghetti bolognese last night - delicious as always but tonight i thought i'd go for something a bit lighter.
So i headed off to Apita after work and bought the following:

I bought other stuff (of course) but they're not relevant to this particular meal so i won't mention it for now. The 'white truffle balsamic' was a bit of an impulse buy, i heard/read somewhere that it's supposed to be nice so i guess i'll find out.


so first thing first - wash and debone the salmon - unfortunately didn't have any pliers (or fingernails to be able to grab the bones out quickly, need to put one on my shopping list)
anyway after that, pat it dry then sprinkel some salt and pepper on it then squeeze some lemon juice over it (ok not really squeeze coz i cheated and bought lemon juice because Apita didn't have any lemons, that i could see)

Get a piece of foil, dump the salmon on it and pour the pepper/salt/lemon juice over it (from the plate)
Thinly slice up the onion and dump it on top then voila
Pop it into my poor excuse of an oven and wait...

Next, is to make some rice (well, enough for my lunch tomorrow as well) and wash the sprouts.

Damn... mmm 5 day old rice in the rice cooker in humid weather - totally gross!!!! i had to disinfect the rice cooker bowl, that's the problem with living by yourself. You eat out a few days are you have all sorts of weird science experiments. I left some bread and a kiwi fruit in the office overnight and came back to a full blown mould colony - thank god it was in a zip lock bag...

Anyway... just tried some of the white truffle balsamic - yummy!!!

Next post... the end result!