Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I have just discovered that there is a disadvantage with leaving your shoes under your desk at work and wearing joggers to work.
I only wear slip-ons at work and with slouching at your table... i ended up walking away from my desk with two different styles of shoes on = how embarrasing.
At least i don't think anyone noticed (advantage of working with all males i guess...)
Woohoo! Typhoon signal 3, pity they're only thinking about upgrading to 8 around dusk which is home ... which means the possbility of being cooped at home for dinner. Noooooo!
Mmm i think the guy cleaning the front door when i went to bathroom noticed my mismatched shoes.. i caught him checking out my shoes just before... at least he was good enough not to make a comment about it
How disappointing, Typhoon HAGUPIT has decided to give HK a miss... So much for an early mark. *sigh* oh well at least that means i can go out for dinner phew!


Woohoo!!! Typhoon signal 8. Home time people!!

Monday, September 15, 2008

After Korea

Well, dad's been here to 10 days already and we've been to Korea to visit Bev and come back. I will get around to posting pictures and adding details to my blog sometime this week but be warned we actually didn't get much sight-seeing done. Our time was spent mostly eating and doing random shopping.

Friday, September 5, 2008


Well, thinking about the utter lack of things that i have to write on my blog since my day consists of work then home i figure i may as well write about the books i am reading since I have bought more books in the last 3 months than i have in the last 2 years. Let's see... I started with 2 of Patricia Cornwell's books one of which i'm sure i had read before but couldn't remember when (& i forgot who did it anyway so it was a good read). Next, I was good and bought some 'career' related books. One on Soft Skills (which was a really good read) the other an easy read but I didn't benefit much from it called Flip!
After returning from London I also went through a Henry VIII fascination and since I saw it in London and it looked interesting enough I bought all of C.J Sansom's books about Matthew Shardlake and even started to watch The Tudors with Jonathon Rhys-Myers but it got kind of annoying after a while - being to preoccupied with his bedroom exploits and obsessions... oh well.
Then Fona told me about Mr Darcy's Diary that she found pretty good so off to the bookstore to look for it, but i couldn't find it instead i came across two other books "Me and Mr Darcy" by Alexandra Potter and "The Darcys Give A Ball" (need to check that title). I found "Me and Mr Darcy" very enjoyable to read though initially i really hated how 'American' the main character was and it was a bit slow to start - though as you get into it, it's really quite a good read. The rest of her books seem to be similar, I think i'll go get them just to have a something to read - i have such a bad habit of finishing a book in one day, it really leaves me with nothing to read very quickly.... if only someone would design something like Amazon's Kindle but allows you to transfer e-books onto it directly (that'll save a look of trees, long-term money and of course, bookshelf space - which i seriously don't have much of, the shelf I do have can't really be called a shelf, more of a half-shelf).
Ohh i'm so excited dad is arriving in just over 12 hours!!!! Four weeks of fun and lots of eating... (plenty of time to lose weight once mum & dad leave :P) and we're off to korea next week to visit Bevvie....