Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Typhoon Nuri

Well it's been a while since i last posted and the only interesting thing that has happened is Typhoon Nuri. Though by the end it hit Hong Kong it had weakened into a Tropical Storm, but the typhoon signal did hit no. 9. If it hadn't weakened it would probably have been a number 10! Woo that would have been interesting - funny how it doesn't stop people from going out though.

The other good thing about it was we had another day off work and it was a Friday, so long weekend, yeah!!

Been looking at potential places to rent, concentrating on Heng Fa Chuen since it's so nice and quiet and relaxing down there (the phase that's near the water not the mountain side coz apparently there are some apartments on the mountain side that are a bit 'unclean', mainly because the area they were built on used to be a cemetary or something along those lines)

I hit my '3 month' probation last Thursday as well (just before the Typhoon hit) - what a good way to celebrate, giving me a long weekend. No complaints and i have been escorted out of the office so it's a good sign eh?!

Dad'll be here in 1.5 weeks, ohhh poor doggies left at home ... gosh i miss them.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Tropical Cyclone Kammuri

Ohhh i'm on the early shift this week but there was a tropical cyclone warning and the signal was increased to no. 8 at 6:47am so that means... no work today!!!!

Yippay! And the fact that the cyclone wasn't going to be nearest to HK until 12ish meant that the HK market wasn't going to be open - so no chance of having to go to work in the afternoon!

There was a loud sound of glass breaking this morning, i figured it was someone's pot plant falling from the window but then i saw on the news a building where a window appeared to have broken and fallen to the ground and i thought 'gee that looks familiar' turns out it was our apartment block!!

Out of curiosity, headed downstairs to see what happened and it was actually the office building across the road. Two glass panels had fallen off the building and hit one of the apartment windows on the way down... there were so many news crews downstairs as well.

The glass had even bounced half way up the street:

Guess it was bit of excitement for a rainy day

Monday, August 4, 2008

Ani-Com & Games

Ohhh, I thought i'd be good and go to a "Honkie" event and lo and behold there was the 10th Annual Ani-Com & Games Exhibition at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. Entry fee was only $25HKD... so off i went on Sunday afternoon. Mum mentioned that on the first day there was like 60000 people there and i'm like ok, cool whatever - those were the hard core fans who went in to get the limited edition things i reckon. So i headed down there and boy was i surprised there was a massive group of people heading a certain direction (guess where THEY were all heading...) luckily since i'm by myself it was easier to slip in between groups of people but i hit the front driveway of the convention centre and you have to form two lines: one with pre-paid tickets the other none. So, ok i'm not THAT well prepared, i have to line up. You can't really call it a line it was just a mass of people funnelling into a doorway.
I have to give it to them, it was very efficient (i didn't even wait there for that long, there must have been over 100 people in front of me) - it helped that it was a single ticket price and they didn't take $100 or $500 notes so get in line whip out your money and then off into the hall.
I was verry surprised at the amount of people there, the showbag hall at the easter show had nothing on this crowd, i can only imagine the first day would have been 2-3 times as bad. This is only one tiny little section of the exhibit.
The only main problem with the crowd was, it was a hot day. Everyone is crowding around and people are sweating.... stinky city..

Now, an anime/games convention is not complete without at least half of the exhibit made up of absolutely adorable stuff - i feel sorry for the kids who go and see all the things they want to buy. I overheard a boy saying, "Oh i have $100 at home. Gee, i'm really regretting not bringing that extra $100 out..."

So here are some of the cute stuff on show:

You know, i'm really kicking myself for not getting the other monkey. I bought the monkey with the smug look but both ben and mum said i should have bought the set of 5 kittens, i rather i got that other monkey with the x for eyes... but you know, i was actually looking at them and thinking... "Mum will kill me if i came home with that - doh!"

And of course, there are mini toys as well

And of course, cos players

Then there are the Bandai girls etc..

Boy, was it weird taking pictures of these girls (everyone else was male... the things i do for my brothers... i hope they appreciate it...)

The other thing you don't see if how organised the kids are, they were all pulling mini suitcases so that they can put all their purchases (i.e. manga) in them and then they go and sit down off to the side to take stock of their purchases (and pack the suitcase) then they go back into the crowds and buy some more stuff. Gee i'm going to be better prepared next year (if i'm still here)!!

Anyway the rest of the photos are on my facebook page, it was a fun afternoon (though gee i really wish i'd bought more soft toys...) next time i'm going to go full hog and buy everything i like and worry about the consequences after ^_^ i could always sell the unwanted stuff on eBay

gee i'm almost tempted to run down there during lunch break and do some more shopping...